Friday, May 28, 2004

Let us never speak of this again

I do not wish to waste your time and mine complaining about:

1) The status and activity of my uterus.
2) How much I hate my job.

The reasons for this are:

1) Some you are female; you have your own reproductive issues. If you are one of those irritating women who have never had cramps and don't understand why everyone makes such a big deal over PMS, well then we simply will never be friends. Those of you who are male likely don't care and/or are freaked out by the reality that is the female menstrual cycle and would prefer to never, ever have to hear about it.
2) If you hate your job, I know you understand without my saying a word. If you love your job, I fear you will lecture me about it and make me feel even worse about my dumb-ass employment situation. I both envy and despise you - you who actually enjoy your jobs.

This being said:

1) I am outrageously hormonal. Any injustice (real or imagined) perpetrated upon my person will result in caustic verbal attack or an outburst of angry tears. I am way too sensitive right now to watch any TV programs about helpless animals in danger. No Animal Precinct for me.
2) I cannot begin to explain the depths of idiocy that have swept the company that employs me. You know that Anonymous Question/Suggestion box that was set up to allow my scaredy cat co-workers to submit questions and suggestions without fear of reprisal? Those submissions are now required to have a legible employee signature. Utterly ridiculous.

The hormone levels will work themselves out. The job is a tougher problem. So until a suitable substitute can be found, it seems the best thing to do is divorce my emotional self from the job. There's a certain beauty in not caring about the politics of your workplace. It's a simple reversion to the old temp employee mindset. Only even more carefree since I know the paycheck is going to appear in my checking account every other week.

So no more complaining. Take some Advil - no more cramps! Go out with friends - when you're not on the clock, pretend that work doesn't even exist!

And let us never speak of this again.


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