Wednesday, February 23, 2005


As some of you know, I'm a bit of a sucker for cosmetics; hair care products especially. After years of having loooong hair into which I really only ever put styling creme and de-frizzing products, I am back to my short hair/multiple product ways.

My new, short hairstyle definitely needed something to give it some oomph and prevent it from falling into the unfortunate, semi-feathered, nonstyle of my eighth grade school pictures. This sad image in mind, I reluctantly fell back on the standby of my high school years, styling mousse. Yes, the 80s really are back. And really, the mousse worked fine for holding waves and curls, especially if I mixed it with a little silicone de-frizzing stuff. Of course I had to hide the mousse can when guests came over, lest it inaccurately tag me with a case of I Heart the 80s nostalgia and a reluctance to move into the 21st century. At least in regard to styling products. (Don't get me wrong, I love VH1 too. More Hal Sparks and Michael Ian Black please.)

Then I read an article rating commercial shampoos and conditioners in a back issue of Real Simple. Dove conditioner won its category. And then there was the $1.00 off Dove products coupon in the Sunday paper. And to top it off, Dove products were on sale at Target. So for a mere $2.44 I picked up a bottle of Dove Define and Shine Control Gel. And, long story short; I am in love.

I had avoided gel simply because never, not even in my most girly-girl, bathroom-mirror-time-intensive years, have I been able to achieve anything from gel other than super-crunchy hair. No matter how much or how little gel I used, whether I air or blow dried, gel in my hair always looked stiff when not combed through. Combing through would render the desired hold completely undone and I'd be back to square one.

But oh - we've come a long way baby. This product, this magical elixir, not only holds the curls and waves, but actually allows my hair to be blow-dried straight. Amazing! And if I let my hair air dry with the gel in, all that's needed is a quick comb and, as if by magic, style is held - but no crunchiness! And, best of all, this product imparts my hair with a glossy, gorgeous shine that mousse never could. Despite the fish oil capsules I ingest daily, I've never seen this kind of shine in my hair without a lengthy session with the blow dryer and a bottle of silicone liquid hairshine product. All for $2.44 people. $2.44!!!! For a product available at most any grocery store. Amazing.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Balsamic-erry Aire

I love vinegar. I add it to pretty much any dish in which it seems remotely capable of enhancing the overall flavor. I make no apologies for my grocery-store-bought balsamic. You may not be able to sip is as you would a liqueur, like the fancypants foodies like to brag of the pricey brines in their pantries, but it still adds a fine punch to my dinner, thankyouverymuch.

But I have become curious about the claims I've read online that state that a cheap balsamic vinegar, reduced by half (or more) would come as close to the expensive stuff as you can get without shelling out the big bucks. And if I read it online, it must be true, right? The Internets wouldn't lie to me.

So when, in cleaning out my pantry, I discovered an extra bottle of balsamic vinegar, I figured I'd give it a try. I quick online tutorial instructed me to bring the vinegar to a boil and cook for approximately 10 minutes, or until it had reduced by three quarters and had the consistency of thin chocolate sauce.

Directions were followed to the letter. I now have a quarter bottle of thick, syrupy balsamic that tastes, well, pretty darn good. It's definitely more complex than before - it's almost caramel-y. I now also have a highly vinegar-scented home. The vapors were so heavy as to, I swear, induce light-headedness. I was high on the balsamic.

Had I thought this through, I might have chosen a non-freezing cold day to undertake this activity. Just as I was realizing that windows needed to be opened to release the intoxicating veil of vinegar, it began to snow. Not a heavy wet snow that sticks to tree branches and makes everything pretty. No, today it is just barely warm enough for snow to fall, so the crispy little flakes swirl about on the street and blow every which way through the bitter wind. So the windows were only allowed open for a brief breath of fresh air. Not nearly enough to disperse the fumes de vinegar. Now the vinegar is cooled and bottled, windows closed and scented candles lit. And I am left with a freezing cold apartment that smells of sandalwood candles and just enough vinegar to make you think I am really getting a jump on coloring those easter eggs.


After a string of 50+ degree days, we're back in the depths of winter here in Gelatoville. Bright sunshine accompanied by sub-zero windchills are a daily reminder that winter has the capability to turn its charm on and off at will, all the while ready to smack us in our collective ass with a blast of frigidity.

Still though, the need to be cool prevails. Yesterday I was out running an errand in the neighborhood when a car blaring that insipid “Lean Back” song rolled by, all windows rolled down for us pedestrians to better experience the thump of the bass. The windchill was -3.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day

My Valentine's gift to you is my response to yet another of those maddening quizzes. Note that I will not be passing it along to any of you. You may thank me now.

What is the total amount of music files on your computer?
12.97 GB Not nearly enough.

What is the last CD you bought?
Don’t Try This at Home – Billy Bragg

What was the last song you listened to before reading this message?
More Than This – Roxy Music

Write down five songs you often listen to, or that mean a lot to you.
How about the top ten “Most Played” from my itunes? Will that balance out the lack of soul baring I’m willing to do this Valentine’s Day?

1. September Gurls – Big Star
2. We Used to be Friends – The Dandy Warhols
3. You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me – The Miracles
4. You’re My Best Friend – Queen
5. The House of Blue Lights – Ella Mae Morse
6. How it Should Be – Ben Kweller
7. Brandy – Looking Glass
8. Boys Keep Swinging – David Bowie
9. Love You Madly – Cake
10. Is She Really Going Out with Him – Joe Jackson

Yeah – I’m a little surprised by the list too.

Happy Valentine's Day Y'all. Go enjoy the fine lovey dovey programming from now until midnight on The Current.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Apparently I Have Seen the Goo Goo Dolls Live

I am so embarrassed.

While I do not remember this momentous occassion, I have discovered, in the flotsam of my life, a comp ticket stub from the Goo Goo Dolls' 11/08/95 show at First Avenue.

The stub lists the opening acts TBA. I can only imagine (hope) that I attended only for the opening band(s).

And it was an all-ages show at that. Feel my shame.