Saturday, March 08, 2008

Junk I Carry Around

After months of silence, I return to present you pure minutia.
The Contents of My Purse/Briefcase:

Yesterday's newspaper
Stocking cap
Empty shopping bag from The Electric Fetus
Two sets of photos from the 1990s
A small notebook with pen
Receipts from recent: Visit to the doctor, car repair, print framing
Week-old shopping list with reminder to pick up shoes from repair place
A single 39 cent stamp
Empty book of checks with a Ticket stub from a 2006 show at The Southern Theater used as cushioning to protect carbonless copies beneath
Collapsible umbrella
Very old 64mb flash drive containing my resume and job search stuff
A slightly less old 256mb drive full of photos and odds and ends
Nylon tote bag that folds up into a tiny pouch
Lipstick: Clinique Red Licquorice and Neutrogena Plum Kiss (something like that - the label is hard to read)
Cosmetic bag containing: Neutrogena lipstick Ruby Bliss, Covergirl mascara, Almay Pureblends mineral makeup (#100 Fair), Frosty white eye-brightening eyeshadow, asthma inhaler, another tube of lipstick (Shade - Sherry, manufacturer unknown), dental floss, Attar Bazaar perfume oil in Egyptian Musk scent, Sudafed, small tin containing acetaminophen, MAC Viva Glam lipstick, Gas X dissolvable strips, Alba Terrating in Blaze , an emory board, a small comb, Ice Breakers Liquid Ice mints, a small mirror, and an astronaut pen.

For more purse content hilarity, see The Midwestgrrl.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Meme Sunday

1. Where is your mobile phone? Purse.
2. Relationship? Unattainable.
3. Your hair? Bedhead.
4. Work? Stupid.
5. Your sister(s)? None.
6. Your favourite thing? Sleep.
7. Your dream last night? Cosby.
8. Your favourite drink? Pimm's.
9. Your dream car? Train.
10. The room you're in? Office.
11. Your shoes? Barefoot.
12. Your fears? Real.
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Happy.
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? Strangers.
15. What are you not good at? Budget.
16. Muffin? Cranberry.
17. Wish list item? Vacuum.
18. Where you grew up? Midwest.
19. The last thing you did? Clean.
20. What are you wearing? Knits.
21. What are you not wearing? Shoes.
22. Your pet? None.
23. Your computer? ibook.
24. Your life? Difficult.
25. Your mood? Flat.
26. Missing? Youth.
27. What are you thinking about? Cleaning.
28. Your car? Ready.
29. Your kitchen? Filthy.
30. Your summer? Unnoticed.
31. Your favourite colour? Turquoise.
32. Last time you laughed? Yesterday.
33. Last time you cried? Yesterday.
34. School? Done.
35. Love? Unrequited.

Monday, January 01, 2007

This Year It's Someone Else's Turn To Cry

Yesterday morning I was out running errands in the very October-like 40-odd degree temperatures and rain. Then, while I was taking my New Year's Eve disco nap, winter snuck in - just to add a little adventure to everyone's plans for the night.

By bar close, the snow had ceased leaving some beautiful scenery in its wake as evidenced in these blurry nighttime photos:

Happy New Year everyone! May all your wishes come true in 2007. Or at the very least, as a good friend of my likes to say, This Year It's Someone Else's Turn to Cry.

Hope your January 1st, 2007 was as relaxing and filled with dvds and snacks as mine was.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Seems like The Midwestgrrl and I are living the same life lately.

May I just add to her list - I wish I had a job that didn't make me cry on the bus ride home at least twice a week.

Things are not good.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Excellent grafitti from the alley a block over from home. Not only is the grafitti itself great, but the grafitti artist was very selective. He or she only hit the commercial properties on the block. Although I don't know that I'd mind having these stenciled on my home.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Mofo Trees

You know trees? I kind of hate them. I hate them with their green, budding leaves spewing pollen everywhere. Oh sure, some of them are even have pretty flowers like this:

or this:

And some do smell delicious, a la:


But the fact that my car was covered in fine green powder this morning coupled with my inability to sleep for the last week, all because my respiratory system decided years ago to boycott Spring by rejecting the pollen. THAT is what makes me hate trees.

Stupid Springtime.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Because There is Still Snow on the Ground

People - listen up. When the thermometer reads 38 degrees and you have to step through piles of snow just to get on the bus, it is too cold to be eschewing coats and wearing shorts - much less flip flops.